Join us for a night at the
Natural Sciences museum
Monday 21st March
17.30 -21.30 hrs
Live meetings have not gone "extinct" !
Please join us on this this first day of spring for some face-to-face inspiration.
Our destination experts are eager to share what's happening from the northern top of Europe down to the most southern tip... plus we welcome a new global destination partner -
Singapore Tourism Board
"All you need is... live"....finally some "real" conversations and get inspired by :
Meet Ana from Porto; like the destination she is also
diverse, charming and authentic
Beatrice loves to tell you about Malta's new hotspots
Why events are great in England ? Caroline is your one stop shop.
Gisèle and her French partners enlighten you from Bordeaux to Toulouse
and the Swiss partners work around the clock to make your congresses "tick"
together with Myriam, your trusted expert in Brussels
And why has Finland been ranked the happiest nation in the world four times in a row ?
Antti will enlight you !
⇒ Engage with all these experts and many more in a beautiful setting...
⇒ Mix & mingle with fellow association meeting planners
⇒ Enjoy a nice meal between the dino's
Because Meetings Matter...register today !